Who should self known

Self-worth that is known for standing with the agency itself, to give vitality to the body we live in the flood with all the torso according to the way we our blood stream. He has power energy in the body called supernatural power, which can not be viewed.

To be able to know more in-depth, self must be able to penetrate the walls that limit the nature outside and exit through the gates of a certain. After this incident we will change the view of life, that if the body was that we considered, after our bodies we can submit to the agency earlier had become hers, so now we become a self, the self that are.

Can bring themselves to move the body with its own nature and penetrate slowly but surely, will be able to feel that the door was open for him, namely that we can feel is the right through the fingers, the tip of the nail us. On the way there, the road itself and on if we can find the way that we try and keep the roads then gradually with the secret will be open and understandable. Roads and contains the contents we want more in-depth research, to be able to take advantage of him.

I say it is a way to give favors, not wrath, and not go astray. We are outside the (body) can learn from on his way to the keep. To this I remember the story of two people traveling servants GOD, that is Musa.As the Prophet met with the Prophet Chaidir.As. Prophet Musa.As can meet Him with the help of God. unite with the two sea level, and I can see him with instructions to read the Qur'an diwak travels both the servant of God that, in the surface of the left and right. And so I can find the way myself. I show myself to save energy with the birth of my weakness and my power is limited.

Diri Yang Patut dikenal

Diri yang patut dikenal itu berdiri dengan sendirinya bagi badan, memberi daya hidup hidup kepada badan kita didalam dengan mengaliri seluruh batang tubuh kita menurut jalannya aliran darah kita. Dia mengandung daya tenaga yang ada pada badan yang dinamakan tenaga ghaib, yang tidak bisa dilihat.

Untuk dapat mengenalnya lebih mendalam, diri harus dapat menembus dinding yang membatasinya dengan alam luar dan keluar melalui pintu-pintu tertentu. Ini akan kejadian setelah kita merubah pandangan hidup, yang kalau tadinya badan yang dianggap kita, setelah kita dapat menyerahkan badan kita padanya sampai badan tadi telah menjadi kepunyaannya, maka dirilah yang menjadi kita, yaitu diri yang berbadan.
Diri akan membawah badan bergerak dengan menembus alam sendiri dan lambat laun tetapi pasti, akan dapat merasakan yang bahwa pintu baginya telah terbuka, yaitu yang dapat benar kita merasakannya ialah melalui jari-jari, ujung kuku kita. Padanya ada jalan, yaitu jalan sendiri didalam dan kalau kita dapat menemui jalan itu dan kita coba menuruti jalannya maka dengan berangsur-angsur rahasianya akan terbuka dan dapat dimengerti. Jalannya berisi dan isinya menghendaki penelitian kita lebih mendalam, untuk dapat mengambil manfaat dari padanya.
Aku mengatakan jalan itu adalah memberi nikmat, tidak dimurkai dan tidak pula sesat. Kita yang diluar (Badan) dapat belajar dari pada-Nya dengan menurutkan jalannya. Untuk ini aku ingatkan kepada kisah perjalanan dua orang hamba ALLAH, yaitu Nabi Musa.As dan Nabi Chaidir.As. Nabi Musa.As dapat menemui-Nya dengan petunjuk Tuhan dipertemukan permukaan dua laut dan aku dapat menemui-Nya dengan petunjuk Qur'an diwak dapat membaca kisah perjalanan kedua orang hamba Allah itu, dipermukaan kiri dan kanan. Dan begitulah aku dapat menemukan jalan diriku sendiri. Aku kemukakan diriku dengan menghemat kepada tenaga lahirku yang lemah dan dayaku yang terbatas.

Who I am

And so also the entire body stem wrapped with what is called the skin, and fur above, one of five indra we can feel for what can be perceived. A gift from God the Most Merciful potion that we should be thankful.

I have a stand and run their own lives in the beam does not get a lot of obstacles, but the journey that brought my life outside the body by myself, I can not fun. Even most of the work I complained and I have forged it in the. Way of life that were outside, there is no grip, a trip that fumble in the dark-dark. The result does not bring much benefit from the self-benefit. Location where the error?, All the fault lies in the knowledge what the actual meaning of life, and too many see the life outside.

Indeed, since the old man most fortunate not caused any life to understand the actual meaning of life. Has long been the body will obey, and hearts will rarely be obtained, a result of misery. What will a liver?. If the will of the heart will be satisfactory to the feelings of the body and self. Will have on the body that can bring most disappointed to themselves. Because there are so many agencies will not limitless, one may want more, more can one want more and so forth. So this is called the will of carnality, which is never satisfied. While the ability to achieve the body that will not have that many. Talent agency that it is wrong that caused us not fortunate man.

Can afford ourselves the will to reach the heart, if possible on how to carry themselves?. Talent agency with a different self-carriage. Bodies which have not comport oneself clever, low feel for others. look in the mirror because he was excess to other people. Body which is considered as well as himself and for others. Take the excess as a measure, therefore by itself he felt the lack of other people. The advantages are different people, because there is rank, position, wealth, science, knowledge, and so forth. So all of the enhancements is that, coming from the outside and is not eternal. With himself and how?. Is satisfied with the situation?. Try-try to ask people who have advantages such as those mentioned above.
If they have the knowledge and science, the use of science and knowledge to enlarge, enrich, make your own body. Rarely uses to good together.

People know its Arts need not feel low against people who have excess of. Comity and respect for the show were not subtlety of our moral character someone. That also should not exaggerate, let alone deliberately contrived.
What is the desired escape from us? Is the desired self-surrender. Delivery keseruhannya so that he can freely do, leave him the whole body, so that he can control and that he felt the body itself.
Know that the life within us, it limited our skin and fur. Because no body know about it and never want to know, the door is always closed on exit. Agency unduly hold on the fact that there is.
Although he knows and recognizes that the self is a body lying in the trunk, then anggapanya in itself is like death goods, passive not active, because the body is therefore held themselves. (FOR BIRD cage So MADE)



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